Sunday, January 22, 2012

My Indoor Garden (part 1)

I have two large bay windows on the southeast corn of my house. Deciding I should take advantage of the south facing window, I have planted an indoor garden. I did some research on the internet, flipped through my gardening books, discussed with my twinster, and proceeded to do it my way. 

I bought two tubs that are  11 inches x 18  inches across the top. I filled the bottom couple of inches with rock, (I just went out to my gravel road and helped myself), to give some drainage.  I covered the rocks with weed barrier fabric to keep the soil from shift down into the rocks. Then mixed coir and potting soil together and filled my tubs. I also filled 3 small pots with potting soil to grow herbs. 

The herb pots have chives, cilantro and sweet basil. The orange tub has large hot peppers, spinach and cherry tomatoes. The yellow tub as peas, green beans and black seeded Samson leaf lettuce. It has been one week since I planted the seeds, and most of the vegetables have sprouted and are peeking their head out.  The herbs haven't shown their tips yet, but I have my fingers crossed.

Since I failed to label the orange tub I am not certain if it is the tomatoes or the peppers that have started to show. But look at those lovely clumps of greens in the middle, I will need to then my spinach soon. 

I'll try to keep up on posts, so we can see how my garden grows.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

So it Begins

This is my first blog. I thought about starting one when I got married. I thought about starting one when my husband and I started to build our house. I thought about starting one whenever I started something new. I finally stopped thinking about starting a blog and started writing one.

What will this blog be don't know really. I guess it is about me, my experiences and my experiments. Gosh - really - um I wonder how I came up with the title.

Check in from time to time. I will post stories about events in my life, things I've learned, or general commentary. I will post instructions and pictures of projects I've started, projects that finished well, and more importantly things that didn't go so well. Because one of the things I have learned in life is that the best learning opportunities come from failures not success.

Fair warning, although I am a heck of a reader, I am not much of a writer. So be patient, be kind, be forgiving, and hopefully we will learn something along the way. Thank you.