This is my first blog. I thought about starting one when I got married. I thought about starting one when my husband and I started to build our house. I thought about starting one whenever I started something new. I finally stopped thinking about starting a blog and started writing one.
What will this blog be don't know really. I guess it is about me, my experiences and my experiments. Gosh - really - um I wonder how I came up with the title.
Check in from time to time. I will post stories about events in my life, things I've learned, or general commentary. I will post instructions and pictures of projects I've started, projects that finished well, and more importantly things that didn't go so well. Because one of the things I have learned in life is that the best learning opportunities come from failures not success.
Fair warning, although I am a heck of a reader, I am not much of a writer. So be patient, be kind, be forgiving, and hopefully we will learn something along the way. Thank you.
Go Tara - glad you are putting yourself out there. Have fun - I don't think there is anything better than writing a bit.